Education accessible to all
We want to develop people through education; and we want to contribute to good health by securing food products and processes based on customer requirements, food standards-regulations and laws.
Global sustainability goals
We want to contribute to a world where everyone eats safe food. To get there, we want to educate those who work in the food industry and those who want to work in the food industry.
Through education, we want to contribute to knowledge that prevents food waste; and through education, prevent physical, microbiological, allergens and chemical hazards from contaminating food.
We leave the forest alone. All educational materials are digital!
Our Vision
Secure food for everyone in a sustainable way through the right knowledge about food safety!
Our Values
We put people at the center of everything we do. We view knowledge as a sustainable and long-term investment that benefits the environment, the economy and society!

Global sustainability goals
Goal 1: No poverty
The main goal of Techfod Sweden is to secure food for everyone in a sustainable way through access to knowledge!Through knowledge people can get a jobb and consequently have an income that can allow everyone to have decent life.Jobb, knowledge and income are key factors to reduce poverty at the World.
Goal 2: Zero hunger
The purpose of the training materials is to ensure efficient distribution systems with sufficient and nutritious food for all. The knowledge about efficient processes will enable to reduce food waste and to reduce duplication of work within the business. Those improvements will make food available to more people at a lower price.
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being
No poverty and zero hunger are prerequisites for good health and well-being. Techfood Swedden AB wants to increase access to food in cheaper prices in order to enhance good health and well-being at the society and at the Wolrd. Morever, access to food will enhance the capacity of learning in good canditions.
Goal 4: Quality education
Techfood Sweden AB, by offering distance learning and digital education, contributes to people’s equal opportunity for lifelong learning that promotes participation in work and social life. The quality of training provided by Techfood Sweden AB will make students attractives when they will apply for the jobb.
Goal 5: Gender equality
Techfood Sweden AB offers inclusive education of good quality for everyone with a starting point, prosperity, and equality in society. The educational materials are available in Swedish, English, French and Arabic. The company’s goal is to offer education that is accessible to everyone, regardless of gender, ethnicity and religion.
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
Education opens a world of opportunities that make it possible for each of us to contribute to a sustainable society. Techfood Sweden AB offers training that higlight continuous improvements; training implies improvements of work place and improvement of Businesses profitability-productivity and performance, wich are key factors to economic growth
Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Techfood Sweden AB offers digital solutions for various measurements and controls that are performed daily in the food industry, which are more inclusive, environmentally friendly and sustainable. The company’s goal is to, through knowledge, create efficient processes that lead to safe jobs and create opportunities for profitable production with equitable resource use and sustainable development.
Goal 13: Combat climate change
Techfood Sweden AB offers its training in a digital way; completely without the need to use paper, in which production requires the use of water, chemicals, electricity and trees, among other things. Waste comming from chemicals have negative effects on the nature and at the climate change. We want to provide better prequirements for future generation to learn at the sustainable way where a nature isin centrum.
Goal 17: Implementation and global partnership
The company collaborates with various universities of applied sciences and various companies in the business sector. Every year, the company usually takes students on LIA, Learning-in-Work. The purpose of which is to equip students with competence and relevant skills and experience required in working life.Techfood Sweden AB provides food at the market on cheaper way throgh the company and initiative Global Food